Saturday, November 18, 2006

Buy A New Car: Do You Really Need It?

ou have this strong urge to buy a new car. You just can't resist it.

My advice is go drink a glass of warm milk and then lie down. Chances are that when you do wake up, the feeling will have passed and you will have saved yourself a fortune.

However if you still feel that you urgently need to buy a new car visit a web site that talks about pollution and the way we are slowly but surely suffocating ourselves to death. A look at some of those really grim predictions in environment sites should help a great deal in ridding you of this ailment called "buy a new car at all costs."

If this still doesn't work, remind yourself that it is futile in this life to compare yourself with your neighbor or the guys in the office, because some wise person told us that there will always be those greater and lesser than yourself, no matter how many of your neighbors you prove a point to. Chances are that the real reason why you want to buy a new car is that somebody you know bought one in the recent past.

When all this fails and you find that your body temperature is still rising and it is like a fever is threatening to break forth, make your way as quickly as possible to an online car buying site, or rush to the dealer downstairs (or nearby).

Are you there now? Feel better already? Especially as you take in all those dazzling new models you have been dreaming about? You're not alone. Buying a new car is a terrible epidemic that is on the rise in the United States and man other places in the world.

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